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About Us
We are followers of Isa Ibn Mariam, our beloved, our redeemer, and our example. God has given us his love and forgiveness through Isa. It is our joy to share his message of love and forgiveness with you. We respect everyone, and want to provide a safe place for you to find answers to your questions about Isa and get to know him personally.
نحن أتباع عيسى بن مريم حبيبنا ,فادينا ومثالنا. اللَّه أعطانا محبته وغفرانه عن طريق عيسى. نفرحُ بمشاركة معك رسالة محبته وغفرانه.
نحترم كل الناس ونريد أن نقدم لك مكان آمن لكي تجد أجوبة لأسئلتك عن عيسى وتتعرف عليه شخصياَ.

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